
In Xinjiang, Nature proves its mastery at matching colours, In September the cotton in Shihezi akes centre stege.

Cotton is generally assumed to be white,Yet, the crop naturally occurs in many different colours

Brown is one of them.Cotton is the principal component in the renminbi banknote

Shihezi’s cotton benefits from the area’s plentiful sunshine,Nine thousand trucks are meeded to transport the annual harvest,Tomatoes are the new arrivals here,It’s only been a few decades they were first cultivated in Xinjiang,Tomatoes grow well where there is plenty of sunshine and major temperature fluctuations,Xinjiang enjoys 2,500 hours of sunshine a year.and a difference between day and night-time temperatures of up to 10 degrees Celsius

Tomatoes have found their ideal habitat in Xiniang,Xinjiang is the world’s third-biggest processor of tomatoes after the US and Italy,For every four bottles of ketchup in the world, one is made here

The peppers are laid out on the Gobi Desert to dry,The flaming hot earth generates a natural dehydration process,Not all these peppers are consumed as food, Some will be made into a pigment and raw material for lipsticks.

Further west along the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains,canyons become the most common feature of the landscape,Rivers originate from the snow-capped mountain,pour down and cut gorges deep into the rock,Seen from above,the Anjihai Grand Canyon reveals the full range of its colours,The rivers wash and dissolve the sandstone and mudstone,leaving an abstract painting on the ground.

On the next part of our journey we’ll visit the Ili River Valley,This verdant garden will change your impression of Xinjiang as a place made harsh by drought, Vapour from the Atlantic moves north,gathers at the edge of the basin,Even though thousands of miles away the Atlantic works wonders in the lli River Valley,The valley’s west opening benefits the most from the Ocean Vapour

The lushness is enhanced by abundant rainfall, and meltwater from the mountains

Upon April,the apricot trees in the lli River Valley seem eager to blossom,Most people associate apricot blossom with Jiangnan – the area south of the Yangtze,Yet the flowers are more suited to a northern climate as they can endure harsh elements,The apricots blossom,only for a week

But in this brief time they herald the arrival of spring in the valley,Beauty presents a different face,in every gully in the Ili River Valley.The lavender comes into bloom in June

Until the 1960s,China had to import all its lavender fragrance,Attempts were made by various provinces to grow it,After six years,only Ili had succeeded,Nowadays, it supplies 95% of the lavender in Chinese market.

郎郎乾坤 (朗诵者)


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